GitHub for Designers, Non-Programmers
This material is from the GitHub for Non-Programmers (Mac/OS X) workshop for 25x52, an initiative to launch 25 projects in 52 weeks.
These set-up instructions are also outlined in the file.
If you don’t yet have one, create a GitHub account
If you don’t already have a text editor installed, download and install Atom editor. (optional: Preferences > Install autocomplete plus, autoclose html)
Download & install (or upgrade) Xcode command line tools. For Yosemite (OS X 10.10+), follow these instructions. (Scroll down a bit to the section "MacOS Yosemite.") You'll need to create a Mac Developer account if you don't already have one.
Install Git using Homebrew. Watch this brief video for instructions on installing Homebrew
Set up GitHub SSH key.
Checking Your Set-Up
Let's check to make sure that your Git environment is set up properly. Open your Terminal app and type:
brew doctor
Since you just installed Homebrew, it shouldn't find any problems. But, if it does, go ahead and follow the instructions to fix problems it identifies. It's a good idea to run brew doctor every once in a while.